Thank you for following our adventures in Jamaica.

This is an amazing opportunity for us to work with a wonderful community organization called Youth Crime Watch which is based at the University of West Indies in Mona, Jamaica.

This trip was made possible by a grant through Thank you for this amazing opportunity to experience, learn and grow as learners and as teachers.

This blog is our chance to share our experiences with you.

We welcome your feedback, questions, support and warm wishes.

Shirley and Everton

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rasta has Landed

Rasta Everton has landed! He is in his country, among his people and the work has begun.

He has been meeting with different people, making connections, setting up meetings, agendas and fish fries in the effort to raise money to support the group!

I think I arrive in time for a fish fry! EXCITED!!!

Good timing for us, we are so excited to be a part of this important project, Everton says they do so much for the kids, with the kids with so little and we want to be a part of it, to learn, to raise awareness, and to help raise funds for this important service.

We want to help, we hope you can help.

Here is a current newsletter for Youth Crime Watch, its first edition called The Watchman.

Please take a look, so much good is being done.

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